I've spent the last few weeks doing something fairly extraordinary: I organized my workbench! Sifting thru the geologic layers I discovered that I had no less than seven projects in and around the area so I set myself the task of sorting it all out. When all was done I had them neatly arranged on the bench, from oldest on the left to newest on the right. Consulting my notes I saw that the oldest project had been malingering since November '02 when I had every intention of giving them away as Xmas presents!! Bottom line: I've decided that one's got to get done first, so I'm converting from metalworking to woodworking for a few weeks.
The mess in question consists of several copies of a hand-crank kinematic representation of a Stephenson valve steam engine that I found in the fantastic book: "Making Mechanical Marvels in Wood" by Raymond Levy (currently out of print). I'll post photos of progress below, until I get the damned things done. Maybe I'll get to project number 2 of 7 next month??
Once I master turning these little guys by hand I'll want to concentrate on how to achieve a really smooth surface. That's the next puzzle: I managed to achieve a smooth enough finish when turning the Purpleheart with metalworking tools, so I started sanding with #320 grit sandpaper, but this was definitely too fine. Must remember to start with #220 next time.
After finish is decent there's the matter of maintaining the wonderful color and luster of the Purpleheart. Not sure what an adequate finish is for the stuff so I'm asking one and all for advice on this topic. All you expert turners out there please give me a holler if you've been down this road before.
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