Several month hiatus due to life, the universe and everything but mainly Hackers (the good news: they didn't throw me out ...yet.) followed by a pile of maintenance before I could generate a little extra income to pay da bills
Mess #1: my cheapie Pedrazzoli Mec Brown 75 Cold Saw, that I've been beating to death forever seized up! The head couldn't be rotated to cut a miter without the aid of a sledgehammer. It was a decade and 400 miles ago since the last time Vern and I serviced the beastie. With the help of Lancelot, a couple of crowbars, a winch and a lot of elbow grease we finally got the thing apart.
... This month, for those who have asked, I've thrown in a few photos of the single-axis stepper motor cnc controller that drives the X-axis on my Bridgeport mill.
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