Some time ago I had the extreme good fortune to get my hands on the second production unit of Sherline's cnc rotary table. I got to "beta test" it for six months and change. It came equipped with a little stepper motor attached and with a separate programmable motor controller. This is an extremely neat device and it shows no sign of the backlash that was evident in the one that I saw at WESTEC. I have also been informed that since I got my unit, many refinements have been incorporated into the design. I suspect that anyone who buys one today will find that many other improvements are now included.
The cnc controller itself was designed and built by my pal Bryan Mumford who, among his other accomplishments, is an expert at all things electronic. His end of the project has gone quite smoothly: even before I had a chance to test the device thoroughly he had already revised the software and sent me an updated ROM chip (a third iteration is now available directly from Sherline and I plan to pop it in as soon as it arrives). As far as I can tell the device is without flaw, at least in terms of the part Bryan had done for it.
The controller can accept data as degrees, individual steps or divisions of a circle, so a great variety of tasks can be performed. I'll do most of my work with divisions of a circle but it's not hard to imagine situations that call for other entries...
Mechanically there were some shortcomings in this early unit and in one or two of the accessories offered in the catalog appear to be wimpier that I would prefer: mounting screws are #10, rather than 1/4 in, for instance. But when one considers that the unit does for hundreds of dollars what other brands do for thousands, It's a bargain! A little sweat equity is all that is needed to set the thing to rights. Following are text and photos of what I have done to modify my early prototype into something that satisfies me.
--Sherline offers a vertical mounting fixture but it struck me as a bit flimsy. Since I had the materials to hand I decided to make my own.
Thanks to the timely intervention of my pal Roger McGuire I no longer need to add a bump switch to the top of the unit. The rotary table can now be activated with an M-code command through the programmable controller on my benchtop cnc.
If this sounds like a neat widget you can't do without, follow this link to the HUGE on-line tutorial about the new improved Sherline cnc Rotary Table.
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