
Photo #1: Richard Castagnola, my stoker in his naturan habitat, the kitchen. This year he baked 2 cheesecakes, 1-1/2 of which made it to the Saturday night potluck...
Photo #2: Wesley Harcourt, doing his thing.
Photo #3: John York has had his fill of steamboats and now enjoys the leisurely pace afforded to owners of one-lunger powered vessels...
Photo #4: Dick Vennerbeck looks leader-like aboard his fine launch.
Photo #5: Pete and Pete Sr., the Moale boys...
Photo #6: Don Mentzer from Oregon, maker of the fine steaming WT Mentzer boilers.
Photo #7: Bart Smaalders, looking rather pirate-like and swarthy. Who would know his day job is in Silicon Valley??
Photo #8: ??
Photo #9: Howard Pickersgill hails from up around Clear lake. Son of Clay Pickersgill, he is a second generation steamer and a good one.
Photo #10: Larry Cardoza and spousal unit.
Photo #11: Richard Burleigh (closest), developer of the Burleigh Compound and many other steamy innovations talks to Gerry Blaine across the table.
Photo #12: Mrs. Smaalders; winner of the perpetual picnic basket for providing yummy food (she admitted as how husband Bart did some of the cooking...)
